Ring statistics block

The ring block displays a single statistic as a % in the centre of an animated ring.

See and interact with the Ring statistics block component demo on this page.


Demo component

Example #1

Section: Full-width

Colour: Brand dark


By default the % symbol displays. 

Example #2

Section: 3/4 centred

Colour: Brand light


Only % values up to 100 may be entered. The number may have 1 decimal point only, for example, 50.9.

Text here to complement the ring

This text can further expand on the key statistic that is being highlighted above. You could include further statistics, reference material or research information that supports or expands on the above statistic. 

Example #3

Section: Halves

Colour: Brand supplementary

Compare 2 figures over time. 


of people participated in the example project in 2017.


of people participated in the example project in 2023. 

Example #4

Section: Thirds - works best without an item description.

Colour: Brand accent / dark / supplementary


Text here in a small container reduces the size of the ring on desktop.


Example #5

Section: Two-thirds/One third

Colour: Brand dark


Two thirds/ one third with WYSIWYG.

Add explanatory text to complement the statistic.

This text field can be used to expand on or explain the featured statistic. You could include further related information or reference material. 

You could also include links to further information. 


See the Help Hub guide for detailed instructions on how and when to use this component.

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